Jsonnet Component
A very simple component might just be a few lines of jsonnet.
Consider the situation whereby you might have two clusters, one in AWS and one in DigitalOcean. You need to set a default storageclass. You could do this with jsonnet.
Your jsonnet component would look like this:
├── Taskfile.yml
├── params.jsonnet
├── storageclasses.jsonnet
The taskfile for a component like would look like this:
version: 2
desc: "fetch component dependencies"
desc: "generate"
- kr8-helpers clean-output
- kr8-helpers jsonnet-render storageclasses.jsonnet
Notice we still add a fetch task which is an empty command
As a reminder, every component requires a params file. We need to set a namespace for the component, even though it's a cluster level resource - namespace is a required paramater for kr8
namespace: 'kube-system',
release_name: 'storageclasses',
Jsonnet Manifest
Your jsonnet manifest looks like this:
local config = std.extVar('kr8'); # imports the config from params.jsonnet
local kr8_cluster = std.extVar('kr8_cluster'); # a jsonnet external variable from kr8 that gets cluster values and data
# a jsonnet function for creating a storageclass
local StorageClass(name, type, default=false) = {
apiVersion: 'storage.k8s.io/v1',
kind: 'StorageClass',
metadata: {
name: name,
annotations: {
'storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class': if default then 'true' else 'false',
parameters: {
type: type,
# check the cluster configuration for a type, if it's AWS make a gp2 type storageclass
if kr8_cluster.cluster_type == 'aws' then kube.objectValues(
// default gp2 storage class, not tied to a zone
ebs_gp2: StorageClass('gp2', 'gp2', true) {},
) else [] # don't make a storageclass if it's not AWS